Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Reading Notes 34-45

Essential Question: What is the role of individualism in American society?

Goal: analyze how Montag is feeling at this point in the novel

Reading: You should be done with 2/3 of your book by this weekend.

1. Reading notes F004 on GOOGLE CLASSROOM
2. Read the next section of F451

1. Study your vocabulary

Monday, October 30, 2017

Reading Notes pages 17-34

Essential Question: What is the role of individualism in American life?

Goal: to understand the interruptions in Montag's life



1. Sign up for VOCABULARY.COM and get your first vocabulary list. It is called SAT WORDs BEGINNING WITH THE LETTER A
2. Small group work on GOOGLE CLASSROOM on document F003
3. Read F451 for 20 minutes


1. Study your vocabulary
2. Read your book at home

Friday, October 27, 2017


Essential Question:

Goal: introduce the ODONO graphic organizer

Reading: Finish 1/3 of your book by this weekend

1. Take vocabulary test for the final time on SCHOOLOGY
2. Intro ODONO and track Guy Montag's journey. F002 on GOOGLE CLASSROOM
3. Read Fahrenheit 451

1. Read your book over the weekend

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Hound

Essential Question: What role does individualism play in American society?

Reading: You should be finishing 1/3 of your third book

1. Finish F001 on GOOGLE CLASSROOM
2. Watch a clip of F451 movie
3. Read next 17 pages of F451


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Are you happy?

Essential Question: What is the role of Individualism in American society?

Goal: to understand the main characters in the first 17 pages

Read: Choose one character in your book to tell your about

1. Answer the discussion in GOOGLE CLASSROOM
2. Finish reading the first 17 pages of F451
3. Complete document F001 in GOOGLE CLASSROOM

1. Read your book at home
2. Study your vocabulary

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

It feels good to burn

Essential Question: What role does individualism play in American society?

Goal: to understand the main characters introduced at the beginning of Fahrenheit 451

Read: Make sure you have a daily reading goal

1. Take your vocabulary test on SCHOOLOGY for the second time
2. Finish the last slide for your Personal Narrative on GOOGLE CLASSROOM
2. Read pages 1-17 of Fahrenheit 451
3. Complete and discuss the reading notes on GOOGLE CLASSROOM for these chapters.

1. Study vocabulary
2. Read your book

Monday, October 23, 2017

Fahrenheit 451 Studysync Introduction

Essential Question: What role does individualism play in American society?
Goal: to make predictions about what will happen in the novel

Read: Reading progress check. You should now be done with 1/3 of your new book.

1. Find out why nothing got done on Friday
2. Give one day in class to work on Studysync assignment
3. Check out copies of Fahrenheit 451

1. Read your book at home
2. Study for final vocabulary test

Friday, October 20, 2017

Vocab test and Fahrenheit 451

1. Read silently for 10 minutes
2. Take your vocabulary test on Schoology.
3. Work on the Fahrenheit 451 assignment. Try Studysync first. If that doesn't work click on this LINK.

Class code for Schoology:


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Fahrenheit 451 Introduction

Steps for today:
1. Go to StudySync and login. If you have any issues please email me. If you were absent the code is: qh0180695
2. Click on the Fahrenheit 451 image to begin the unit.
3. Watch the introduction video. Don't skip it!
4. Read and listen to the text.
5. Answer the comprehension questions. Take your time. You can work together with your neighbor.
6. Watch the StudySync video all the way through. The discussion will really help you with the writing portion.

If you finish these three steps, take time to study your vocabulary words on Quizlet. You will have a test tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Personal Narrative Day 3

Essential Question: What role does individualism play in American society?
Goal: to begin writing about an event where you stood out from the crowd

Read: You should choose your next book and have it finished in three weeks.

1. Begin working on your Personal Narrative. The assignment is in Google Classroom.

Today our goal is to get through slides 5-7.

We will also create our StudySync accounts since I will  not be here tomorrow.

1. Study your vocabulary words.
2. Read each night

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Personal Narrative Day 2

Essential Question: What role does individualism play in American society?
Goal: to begin writing about an event where you stood out from the crowd

Read: You should choose your next book and have it finished in three weeks.

1. Begin working on your Personal Narrative. The assignment is in Google Classroom.

We will try to get through the first five slides today.

1. Study your vocabulary words.
2. Read each night

Monday, October 16, 2017

Personal Narrative

Essential Question: What role does individualism play in American society?
Goal: to begin writing about an event where you stood out from the crowd

Read: You should choose your next book and have it finished in three weeks.

1. Finish reading comic
2. Start book review together. Turn in on your own when you finish your book.
3. Begin working on your Personal Narrative. The assignment is in Google Classroom.

1. Study your vocabulary words.
2. Read each night

Friday, October 13, 2017

Power of an Individual

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: to understand the power of an individual

Read: Make sure you finish your book this weekend

1. Vocabulary test
2. Take out a piece of paper. Make three columns:
     What surprised me?
     What did the author think I already knew?
     What changed, challenged, or confirmed what I already knew?

Watch one of the videos below:

1. Finish your book this weekend.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Individualism discussion

Essential Question: What is the role of individualism in American society?

Read: Fill out reading progress form


1. Review what we did on Tuesday. Finish the document we started.
2.  Online discussion about Individualism on GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Use the sentences below:

Individualism means...The Romantic poets Whitman and Dickinson both emphasize the role of the individual. For example,...On the one hand, individualism can be a good thing because...On the other hand, it can lead to...I think that individualism...Some people may think...but I would counter that...

3. Quizlet Live games to review for test tomorrow.

1. Finish you book by this weekend
2. Study for your vocabulary test

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Dickinson, Individualism, and a Discussion Online

Essential Question: What role does individualism play in American society?
Goal: Define and explain individualism

Read: You should be finished with your book by the end of the week.

1. Review English journals. Tell me what score you think you should receive.
2. Three-panel book comic
2. Emily Dickinson Radio Broadcast and Individualism GOOGLE CLASSROOM
3. Online discussion about Individualism on GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Use the sentences below:

Individualism means...The Romantic poets Whitman and Dickinson both emphasize the role of the individual. For example,...On the one hand, individualism can be a good thing because...On the other hand, it can lead to...I think that individualism...Some people may think...but I would counter that...

1. Read your book for 15-20 minutes
2. Study for your vocabulary test

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Finishing Emily Dickinson project

By the end of today you should:

1. Be finished with your Emily Dickinson project.
2. Turn in your Emily Dickinson poems on Google Classroom.
3. Make sure all of your English Journals are done.
4. Work on your vocabulary chart which is due on Sunday.

1. Finish your vocabulary chart by Sunday.
2. Finish reading 2/3 of your book

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Emily Dickinson Project

Essential Question: What role does Individualism play in American society?
Goal: to read and understand the poetry of Emily Dickinson

Read: You should finish 2/3 of your book by this weekend. Fill out the Reading Progress form

When we are finished with her poems you will create a product inspired by her poems:
1. You can turn one of her poems into a rap. Her poems are short, so make sure you extend them with your own ideas.
2. Illustrate one of her poems on paper
3. Turn one of her poems into a video using Adobe Spark
4. Create a mashup of one of her poems and a contemporary song about the same theme

1. Read 2/3 of your book by this weekend
2. Work on your final vocabulary chart for this unit

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Emily Dickinson cont.

Essential Question: What role does Individualism play in American society?
Goal: to read and understand the poetry of Emily Dickinson

Read: You should finish 2/3 of your book by this weekend 

Today we will finish the final Emily Dickinson poems.

1. Read poems by Emily Dickinson on Google Classroom
2. Paraphrase each line
3. Summarize the poem to demonstrate your understanding

When we are finished with her poems you will create a product inspired by her poems:
1. You can turn one of her poems into a rap. Her poems are short, so make sure you extend them with your own ideas.
2. Illustrate one of her poems on paper
3. Turn one of her poems into a video using Adobe Spark
4. Create a mashup of one of her poems and a contemporary song about the same theme

1. Read 2/3 of your book by this weekend
2. Work on your final vocabulary chart for this unit

Monday, October 2, 2017

The Poetry of Emily Dickinson

Essential Question: What role does Individualism play in American society?
Goal: to read and understand the poetry of Emily Dickinson

Read: You should finish 2/3 of your book by this weekend 

This week we will look at the poems of Emily Dickinson. Each day you will:

1. Read poems by Emily Dickinson on Google Classroom
2. Paraphrase each line
3. Summarize the poem to demonstrate your understanding

When we are finished with her poems you will create a product inspired by her poems:
1. You can turn one of her poems into a rap. Her poems are short, so make sure you extend them with your own ideas.
2. Illustrate one of her poems on paper
3. Turn one of her poems into a video using Adobe Spark
4. Create a mashup of one of her poems and a contemporary song about the same theme

1. Read 2/3 of your book by this weekend
2. Work on your final vocabulary chart for this unit