Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Big Idea: How does change happen?

Learning Target: 

Reading: We will read The Help.

  1. I will summarize chapter 4.
  2. We will read the first half of chapter 5 in class, you will finish at home. There will be a quiz tomorrow.
  3. English Journal #17
    1. Make a list with your partner of what Minny and Celia have in common.
    2. Then write a paragraph that compares the two women.
    3. On the surface, Minny and Celia have many differences...However, the two women have a few traits in common.
  4. Start your continuous map to track a theme in the book.
    1. Friendship/Loyalty
    2. Private struggle
    3. Insiders/Outsiders
    4. Relationships
    5. Doing the Right Thing

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Finishing chapter 3

Big Idea: How does change happen?

Learning Target: 

Reading: We will read The Help.

  1. Read The Help pages 43-49 silently.
  2. If you finish early, start your vocabulary for this week.
  3. Create Instagram posts for Minny and Celia.
    1. Minny Jackson
    2. Celia Foote
  4. Listen to the audio for pages 49-54.
  5. Watch part of the movie.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Help chapters 2 and 3

Big Idea: How does change happen?

Learning Target: 

Reading: We will read The Help.

  1. Read The Help pages 28-33 silently.
  2. If you finish early, start your vocabulary for this week.
  3. Play The Help chapters 1 and 2 Kahoot! to review the events from the book.
  4. Create a bubble map for Minny.
    1. Put her name in the middle.
    2. In each bubble find a quote that describes Minny.
    3. Include a symbol.
    4. Add color.
  5. I will grade your vocabulary while you work on the bubble map.
  6. Listen to the audio for pages 36-45.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Book Review 2

Big Idea: What have you learned?

Learning Target: 

Reading: We will read for 10 minutes today.

  1. Fill out the reading progress form.
  2. Start book review #2 it is due on Sunday.
  3. Read half of chapter 2 of The Help.
    1. PDF of the book.
    2. Audio for chapter 2.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Catching Up on The Help activities

Big Idea: What have you learned?

Learning Target: 

Reading: We will read for 10 minutes today. Your book review will be on October 23rd.

  1. You will create two Booksnaps today.
    1. Here are examples of what Booksnaps look like.
    2. The easiest tools to use are Instagram or Snapchat.
    3. Of course, you could watch any of these tutorial videos to use other tools like Google Slides or Drawings.
    4. You need to make a Booksnap about a character and an example of Jim Crow.
    5. Email the pictures to yourself.
    6. Open the slide deck for your class period and add your pictures. Use the same slide number as your Chromebook.
      1. Slide Deck for Period 3
      2. Slide Deck for Period 4
      3. Slide Deck for Period 5
  2. Watch 16:23 minutes of The Help which covers chapter 1.
  3. Play a Kahoot! based on chapter 1.
  4. Either work on your one-pager or your vocabulary.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Book Snaps

Big Idea: What have you learned?

Learning Target: 

Reading: We will read for 10 minutes today. Your book review will be on October 23rd.

  1. You will finish reading chapter 1 of the Help.
  2. You will create two Booksnaps today.
    1. Here are examples of what Booksnaps look like.
    2. The easiest tools to use are Instagram or Snapchat.
    3. Of course, you could watch any of these tutorial videos to use other tools like Google Slides or Drawings.
    4. You need to make a Booksnap about a character and an example of Jim Crow.
    5. Email the pictures to yourself.
    6. Open the slide deck for your class period and add your pictures. Use the same slide number as your Chromebook.
      1. Slide Deck for Period 3
      2. Slide Deck for Period 4
      3. Slide Deck for Period 5

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Reading The Help

Big Idea: What have you learned?

Learning Target: 

Reading: We will read for 10 minutes today. Your book review will be on October 23rd.

  1. We will go to the library and check out a copy of The Help.
  2. Start your new vocabulary list, The Help Part 1
  3. We will start reading The Help.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Help Introduction

Big Idea: What makes the struggle for change successful?

Learning Target: 

Reading: We will read for 10 minutes today. Your book review will be on October 23rd.

  1. Read silently for 10 minutes and fill out the reading progress form.
  2. Over the next two days, you will work on the following assignments:
    1. The Help Hyperdoc. Make a copy of the document. When you finish turn it in on Google Classroom. Add your name to the name of the document.
      1. Missing video link for Modern American Woman
    2. Create a one-pager that displays the information from the hyperdoc.
      1. You must have information and images from different sections of the hyperdoc.
      2. You must have bold titles.
      3. You must have color.
      4. You can not have any empty spaces.

  1. No vocabulary this week.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Help Hyperdoc

Big Idea: What makes the struggle for change successful?

Learning Target: 

Reading: We will read for 10 minutes today. Your book review will be on October 23rd.

  1. Over the next two days, you will work on the following assignments:
    1. The Help Hyperdoc. Make a copy of the document. When you finish turn it in on Google Classroom. Add your name to the name of the document.
      1. Missing video link for Modern American Woman
    2. Create a one-pager that displays the information from the hyperdoc.
      1. You must have information and images from different sections of the hyperdoc.
      2. You must have bold titles.
      3. You must have color.
      4. You can not have any empty spaces.
  1. No vocabulary this week.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Struggle for Change

Big Idea: What makes the struggle for change successful?

Learning Target: 

Reading: We will read for 10 minutes today. Your book review will be on October 23rd.

  1. Read the launch text "The Zigzag Road to Rights" on page 278.
    1. Highlight the important events in the struggle for change in America.
  2. Make a copy of the Cybersandwich slides.
    1. Share the copy with your partner.
    2. Put both of your names on your slides.
    3. Complete your notes on your slide,
    4. Combine your notes together in the Venn Diagram.
    5. Write your own summary of the events that brought about change.
  3. With a partner, brainstorm the pros and cons of starting school at 8:30 am.
    1. Who will be impacted negatively?
    2. Who will be impacted positively?
    3. Should decisions like this be made at the state level or the local level?
    4. Create a Flipgrid video where you both express your thoughts about the change in school start times.
    5. Respond to another group's video.
      1. We thought you made a good point when you said...
      2. We agree/disagree with...
  1. No vocabulary this week.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Finishing up the quarter day 2

Big Idea: What have you learned?

Learning Target: 

Reading: We will read for 10 minutes today. Your book review will be on October 23rd.

  1. Google Sites Portfolio
    1. Open this Google Site to use as your portfolio.
    2. Click on the three dots at the top right and choose "Duplicate Site"
    3. Name it with your login information. "ssmith123456portfolio"
    4. Click on the Google Sites logo at the top left.
    5. Open the copy you made.
  2. Add content to your Google Site.
    1. Go to the My Library tab.
      1. Drag over the two-section layout.
      2. Add the first two books you have read this year.
    2. Go to the My Words page
      1. Add the three-section layout
      2. Add a picture, the word, its definition, and "this word makes me think of...".
    3. Go to My Capacities
      1. click on the Tech Tools page
      2. add two one-section layouts
      3. write about two tech tools we have used
  3. Fixing the mistakes in your English Journal. We will grade it this week.
    1. Select text at the top of your English Journal.
    2. Create a comment.
    3. Use this rubric to write a few sentences about what grade you think you should receive and why. The better grade you think you deserve the more evidence you need. Mention specific journals.
  4. Our next book activity. We will not be doing a book review this time.
  5. Gimkit review game if we have time.
  1. No vocabulary this week.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Finishing Up the quarter

Big Idea: What have you learned?

Learning Target: 

Reading: We will read for 10 minutes today. Your book review will be on October 23rd.

  1. Google Sites Portfolio
    1. Open this Google Site to use as your portfolio.
    2. Click on the three dots at the top right and choose "Duplicate Site"
    3. Name it with your login information. "ssmith123456portfolio"
    4. Click on the Google Sites logo at the top left.
    5. Open the copy you made.
  2. Add content to your Google Site.
    1. Go to the My Library tab.
    2. Drag over the two-section layout.
    3. Add the first two books you have read this year.
    4. Go to the My Words page
    5. Add the three-section layout
    6. Add a picture, the word, its definition, and "this word makes me think of...".
  3. English Journal #16 CRSPR
      1. While there are arguments for and against the use of CRSPR to edit DNA, I think that the ___ outweigh the ___.
  4. Fixing the mistakes in your English Journal. We will grade it this week.
  5. Our next book activity. We will not be doing a book review this time.
  1. No vocabulary this week.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

CRSPR Discussion

Big Idea: What is the meaning of freedom?

Learning Target: Make connections between the ideas we have studied so far in this unit.

Reading: We will read for 10 minutes today. Your book review will be on October 23rd.

  1. We will read an article on CRSPR to prepare for a discussion tomorrow.
  2. Homework:

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Prepare for the discussion

Big Idea: What is the meaning of freedom?

Learning Target: Make connections between the ideas we have studied so far in this unit.

Reading: We will read for 10 minutes today. Your book review will be on October 23rd.

  1. We will read an article on CRSPR to prepare for a discussion tomorrow.
  2. 10 minutes to finish your connections map with a partner.
    1. Ethos
    2. Audience
    3. Equiano
    4. Freedom
    5. All men are created equal
    6. Rights
    7. Bear arms
    8. Free speech
    9. Pathos
    10. Logos
    11. Self-interest
    12. Ideology
    13. Founding Fathers
    14. John Hancock
    15. July 2, 1776
    16. Constitution
    17. Life
    18. Liberty
    19. Grievance
    20. King George III
    21. Revolutionary War
    22. Slave Trade


Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Connections Map Day 2

Big Idea: What is the meaning of freedom?

Learning Target: Make connections between the ideas we have studied so far in this unit.

Reading: We will read for 10 minutes today. Your book review will be on October 23rd.

  1. Start your new vocabulary list for this week.
  2. Vocabulary Jam!
  3. Create a connections map with a partner.
    1. Ethos
    2. Audience
    3. Equiano
    4. Freedom
    5. All men are created equal
    6. Rights
    7. Bear arms
    8. Free speech
    9. Pathos
    10. Logos
    11. Self-interest
    12. Ideology
    13. Founding Fathers
    14. John Hancock
    15. July 2, 1776
    16. Constitution
    17. Life
    18. Liberty
    19. Grievance
    20. King George III
    21. Revolutionary War
    22. Slave Trade
