Wednesday, August 9, 2017

First Step Read

First Step: Read!

If you brought a book today, make sure you take it out and beginning reading for ten minutes. If you do not have one, follow these steps:

1. Open this Google Drive folder.
2. View these Google Slides for book recommendations.

3. Right click on one of the files and choose download.
4. Install this app from the Chrome Web Store.
5. Open the app and choose the PLUS SIGN in the upper right corner.
6. Click on the book file you downloaded.
7. Start reading the book!

WATCH THIS VIDEO if you are having trouble.

Second Step:
Fill out the reading survey. This survey will help me know what kind of reader you are.

Third step:
Sign-up for our Google Classroom. I will give you the code in class.

How good are your Google Doc skills? Complete this assignment in Google Classroom to find out.

Once everyone has successfully achieved these goals, our first project of the year will be to write a Six Word Memoir. We will talk about this, but here are some helpful videos and websites to get you started in this process:

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