Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Motivations for Change

Essential Question: What motivates people to struggle for change?

Goal: to learn how to identify motivations

Reading: You should be finishing 2/3 of your book


  1. Finish the second paragraph for Lewin's change model
  2.  Watch a video about making changes:
    1. Trying Something New for 30 Days
    2.  English Journal #12 Motivation for Change
      1. Make a list of what you think Matt Cutts motivations were for making changes in his life. USE THIS CHART
      2. Use the following paragraph to describe what motivated him to make changes
        1. Making changes is never ___, but surprisingly Matt Cutts made a lot of changes in his life for 30 days at a time. One change he made...He also tried...I think he was motivated by...Even when attempting to __ was a struggle, he continued to struggle because...In my own life, I tried to change...I was motivated by...Even when I felt like quitting I still...
  3. Read The Zigzag Road to Rights. 



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