Monday, February 26, 2018

Witch Hunt

Essential Question: Witch hunts and fear: when can exposing evil go too far?

Goal: to introduce out new unit

Reading: You should be finished with your book by Friday


  1. English Journal #4 One Word Challenge Check-in
    1. Copy and paste your paragraph from the YELLOW section of the Hyperdoc.
    2. Add the following ideas:
      1. How are you doing this semester? Are you sticking to your one word?
      2. What is something you have done this semester that fits what you wrote at the beginning of the semester?
      3. If you haven't been living up to your one word challenge, why not?
  2. Inquiry Unit with The Crucible as our main text.
    1. We will work on four different stations for the next couple of days.
      1. TED talk station- watch first 14 minutes
      2. StudySync station
        1. Intro, Read, Comprehension
      3. Pro/Con #Metoo Movement
      4. Historical Background Google Slides
        1. Turn to page 554 in your textbook
        2. Make a Google Slide deck
          1. Title should be Times of Trouble
          2. Make a slide for each red heading.
          3. Paraphrase the section and include one image
          4. Make sure you use specific words from the section.
          5. Example for The Roaring Twenties
            1. The economy boomed.
            2. Alcohol became illegal.
            3. Radio, Jazz, and movies became popular.
        3. Finally, watch this video clip. You don't have to take notes.


  1. Finish reading your book this week.

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