Friday, March 16, 2018

The Crucible Movie

Essential Question: Witch hunts and fear: when can exposing evil go too far?

Goal: to explain what Abigail is doing behind the scenes in Act II

Reading: You should be reading your 3rd book of the semester.


  1. Watch The Crucible CLICK HERE. Start around 15 minutes in.
  2. Vocabulary for The Crucible
    1. Click Here for this week's list
  3. Partner Activity
    1. Make a bubble map with your partner
    2. Paraphrase all of the actions Abigail is taking behind the scenes
  4. Write a partner paragraph
    1. You must write your paragraph on the same paper as your chart. You can use the back if you need to.
    2. Each person must write a complete sentence. You should alternate writing sentences. I should see two different colors.
    4. In Act II, Abigail is working behind the scenes to target...First of all,...[USE YOUR CHART TO SUMMARIZE WHAT SHE IS DOING] In the court she...Throughout the Act she...At the end of Act II she pretends...The one person who could potentially stop her is...But this person is unwilling to...because...Three words that describe Abigail at this point are...The best word to describe her is...because...
When your group is finished put your papers on the back table. Make sure you have both names on your paper.

1. Read your new book.
2. Work on your vocabulary.

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