Thursday, March 21, 2019

Above and Below the Surface.

Big Idea: What is a witch hunt?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.

  1. Fill out the reading progress form.
  2. In the play, there are things going on above the surface and things going on below the surface. With a partner, decide which events from this list are Above the Surface and which are Below the Surface:
    1. Ruth is sick and won't wake up.
    2. Parris has secret enemies.
    3. Rumors about who is a witch.
    4. Tituba was involved in the ritual in the forest.
    5. Abigail was fired by the Proctors
    6. Betty was seen flying.
    7. There is a witch in town.
    8. The devil is among them.
    9. Putnam didn't want Parris as the minister.
    10. Abigail's parents are dead.
    11. Abigail drank blood to kill Proctor's wife
    12. Proctor and Abigail were having an affair.
    13. There is a power battle between the Putnams and Goody Nurse.
    14. There were lawsuits in the past against different community members.
    15. Proctor and Putnam fought in the past over land.
    16. Tituba may secretly not like Parris.
  3. Start a new English Journal. Copy and paste the paragraph below. Use the graphic organizer to complete the sentences.
    1. Some events and conflicts in The Crucible are above the surface and known to all...(WRITE MORE THAN ONE SENTENCE FOR THIS PART). However, there is a lot going on in the play that is below the surface...(WRITE MORE THAN ONE SENTENCE FOR THIS PART). Sun Tzu said that,"All war is deception." I (agree/disagree) that the town of Salem is actually at war with itself...
  4. Go to Quizizz and join the game about Act I. The code is: 367871 You will have two tries to get a 100%.
Success Criteria:
  1. I can follow the plot of a complex text. I can analyze the motivations of different characters.
  1. Make sure you are reading your book at home.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Reading the Crucible Act I Day 3

Essential Question: Witch hunts and fear: when can exposing evil go too far?

Goal: to understand the problems in the community of Salem

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review is on April 10th.

  1. Play this video for the students. 
  2. We will read starting on page 587. Same people as yesterday.
    1. We will read from page 584 to 596.
    2. Characters needed:
      1. Mr. Putnam
      2. Mr. Hale
      3. Mercy
      4. Mrs. Putnam
      5. Abigail
      6. Parris
      7. Mary Warren
      8. Betty
      9. Mr. Proctor
      10. Rebecca
      11. Giles
  3. Go to Google Classroom and click on the assignment at the top of the stream.

1. Read your new book.
2. Work on your vocabulary.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Reading The Crucible Act I, Day 2

Essential Question: Witch hunts and fear: when can exposing evil go too far?

Goal: to understand the problems in the community of Salem

Reading: You should be reading your 8th book of the year.

  1. We will listen to the audio starting where we left off from yesterday (42:06).
  2. Reading the crucible Act 1. Once we reach page 584,we will choose people to read parts today.
    1. We will read from page 584 to 596.
    2. Characters needed:
      1. Mr. Putnam
      2. Mr. Hale
      3. Mercy
      4. Mrs. Putnam
      5. Abigail
      6. Parris
      7. Mary Warren
      8. Betty
      9. Mr. Proctor
      10. Rebecca
      11. Giles
  3. Tracking the events from Act 1: Above and Below the Surface

1. Read your new book.
2. Work on your vocabulary.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Reading the Crucible Act I

Essential Question: Witch hunts and fear: when can exposing evil go too far?

Goal: to understand the problems in the community of Salem

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review is on April 10th.


  1. We watch the part of the movie that matches what you read on StudySync. It will help you visualize the characters and the setting.
  2. Character list. We will make some notes about different characters.
  3. Reading the crucible Act 1. We will continue where Studysync left off. We will start with an audiobook and then choose parts.
    1. We will listen to the audio from 572-575
    2. We will read by choosing parts from 573-584
    3. Characters needed:
      1. Mr. Putnam
      2. Mercy
      3. Mrs. Putnam
      4. Abigail
      5. Parris
      6. Mary Warren
      7. Betty
      8. Mr. Proctor
      9. Rebecca
      10. Giles

1. Read your new book.
2. Work on your vocabulary.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Reading the Crucible

Big Idea: What is a witchhunt?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.

  1. Go to StudySync and create a student account. The group key is qh0180695
  2. You should be able to finish the first four steps today. Hopefully, you begin step 5.
  3. Make sure you stay on task.
Success Criteria:


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Introducing The Crucible

Big Idea: What is a witchhunt?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.

  1. Fill out the reading progress form.
  2. In Google Classroom, there is a document that will introduce our next text, The Crucible. You will FINISH this document today.
  3. Go to StudySync and create a student account. The group key is qh0180695
Success Criteria:


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Introducing The Crucible

Big Idea: What is a witchhunt?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.

  1. Start a new English Journal. The title is Online Shaming.
    1. Try to construct a They say/I Say style paragraph about the TED talk.
      1. The first part of the paragraph should identify speaker, topic, and main points.
      2. The second part of the paragraph should explain your perspective on the topic.
  2. In Google Classroom, there is a document that will introduce our next text, The Crucible. You will begin this document today.
  3. Begin the assignment in Khan Academy about hyphens, dashes, and ellipses. You will probably need to watch at least part of the video.
Success Criteria:


Friday, March 8, 2019

Turing in the Essay

Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review in on Monday.

  1. Do these things before you turn in your essay:
    1. Get the Crio Grammar checker addon and check your document.
    2. Make sure everything is double-spaced.
    3. Make sure all paragraphs are indented.
    4. Make sure it is done.
  2. Your essay is due today. If you don't turn it in, then you will have points taken off for it being late.
  3. Start your grammar assignment on Khan Academy. This is our first assignment, so I am not sure how long it will take.
Success Criteria:

  1. No vocabulary homework this week.
  2. Finish your book over the weekend.

Thursday, March 7, 2019


Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your book review will be on Monday.

  1. Fill out the reading progress form.
  2. We will play a Vocabulary Jam! for extra credit.
  3. Your essay will be due by the end of class tomorrow.
Success Criteria:

  1. No vocabulary this week.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on March 11th.

  1. Go to Google Classroom and click on the link in the announcement about Peergrade.
  2. You will receive feedback from your peers about your writing.
    1. Open your essay and make sure you remove your name.
    2. Submit your essay to Peergrade via Google Drive.
    3. You will read 3 other student's essays. All of your comments are anonymous.
    4. When 3 other students have read your essay, you will be able to read the comments.
  3. After reading your feedback:
    1. Finish writing your essay if you are not done.
    2. Make sure you use Grammarly to fix any errors in your document.
    3. Install the Read Aloud extension to hear your essay. Just listening to your essay can help spot a lot of errors.
  4. Turn in your essay if you are finished.
Success Criteria:

  1. No vocabulary this week.

Monday, March 4, 2019


Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Our next book review is on March 11th.

  1. We will start with some feedback based on yesterday's writing.
  2. You will have 20 minutes to finish your final body paragraph.
    1. The general argument made by author X in her/his work, _______________, is that _______________. More specifically, X argues that _______________. She/he writes, “ _______________.” In this passage, X is suggesting that _______________. In my view, X is wrong/right, because _______________. More specifically, I believe that _______________. For example, ___________. (From here you can explain your examples. What changes are you going to make? Be specific.)
  3. You will also add your conclusion.

Success Criteria:

  1. No new vocabulary this week.

Friday, March 1, 2019


Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.

  1. We will start with some feedback based on yesterday's writing.
  2. You will have 20 minutes to finish your second body paragraph.
    1. The general argument made by author X in her/his work, _______________, is that _______________. More specifically, X argues that _______________. She/he writes, “ _______________.” In this passage, X is suggesting that _______________. In my view, X is wrong/right, because _______________. More specifically, I believe that _______________. For example, ___________. (From here you can explain your examples. What changes are you going to make? Be specific.)
  3. Find a partner to work with. Trade Chromebooks. Give them some feedback. What did they do well?
  4. Decide who has the best writing for today.
  5. Go to Click on Student Login at the top right. The room name is BHSENG11.
  6. Copy and paste the best body paragraph into the box. We will vote and who has the best writing overall.
  7. Tomorrow I will give you feedback on how everyone is doing.

Success Criteria:

  1. You should have at least two body paragraphs done by Monday.
  2. Did you start your new vocabulary?