Big Idea: What is a witch hunt?
Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.
- Fill out the reading progress form.
- In the play, there are things going on above the surface and things going on below the surface. With a partner, decide which events from this list are Above the Surface and which are Below the Surface:
- Ruth is sick and won't wake up.
- Parris has secret enemies.
- Rumors about who is a witch.
- Tituba was involved in the ritual in the forest.
- Abigail was fired by the Proctors
- Betty was seen flying.
- There is a witch in town.
- The devil is among them.
- Putnam didn't want Parris as the minister.
- Abigail's parents are dead.
- Abigail drank blood to kill Proctor's wife
- Proctor and Abigail were having an affair.
- There is a power battle between the Putnams and Goody Nurse.
- There were lawsuits in the past against different community members.
- Proctor and Putnam fought in the past over land.
- Tituba may secretly not like Parris.
- Start a new English Journal. Copy and paste the paragraph below. Use the graphic organizer to complete the sentences.
- Some events and conflicts in The Crucible are above the surface and known to all...(WRITE MORE THAN ONE SENTENCE FOR THIS PART). However, there is a lot going on in the play that is below the surface...(WRITE MORE THAN ONE SENTENCE FOR THIS PART). Sun Tzu said that,"All war is deception." I (agree/disagree) that the town of Salem is actually at war with itself...
- Go to Quizizz and join the game about Act I. The code is: 367871 You will have two tries to get a 100%.
Success Criteria:
- I can follow the plot of a complex text. I can analyze the motivations of different characters.
- Make sure you are reading your book at home.
Essential Question: Witch hunts and fear: when can exposing evil go too far?
Goal: to understand the problems in the community of Salem
Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review is on April 10th.
- Play this video for the students.
- We will read starting on page 587. Same people as yesterday.
- We will read from page 584 to 596.
- Characters needed:
- Mr. Putnam
- Mr. Hale
- Mercy
- Mrs. Putnam
- Abigail
- Parris
- Mary Warren
- Betty
- Mr. Proctor
- Rebecca
- Giles
- Go to Google Classroom and click on the assignment at the top of the stream.
1. Read your new book.
2. Work on your vocabulary.
Essential Question: Witch hunts and fear: when can exposing evil go too far?
Goal: to understand the problems in the community of Salem
Reading: You should be reading your 8th book of the year.
- We will listen to the audio starting where we left off from yesterday (42:06).
- Reading the crucible Act 1. Once we reach page 584,we will choose people to read parts today.
- We will read from page 584 to 596.
- Characters needed:
- Mr. Putnam
- Mr. Hale
- Mercy
- Mrs. Putnam
- Abigail
- Parris
- Mary Warren
- Betty
- Mr. Proctor
- Rebecca
- Giles
- Tracking the events from Act 1: Above and Below the Surface
1. Read your new book.
2. Work on your vocabulary.
Essential Question: Witch hunts and fear: when can exposing evil go too far?
Goal: to understand the problems in the community of Salem
Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review is on April 10th.
- We watch the part of the movie that matches what you read on StudySync. It will help you visualize the characters and the setting.
- Character list. We will make some notes about different characters.
- Reading the crucible Act 1. We will continue where Studysync left off. We will start with an audiobook and then choose parts.
- We will listen to the audio from 572-575
- We will read by choosing parts from 573-584
- Characters needed:
- Mr. Putnam
- Mercy
- Mrs. Putnam
- Abigail
- Parris
- Mary Warren
- Betty
- Mr. Proctor
- Rebecca
- Giles
1. Read your new book.
2. Work on your vocabulary.
Big Idea: What is a witchhunt?
Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.
- Start a new English Journal. The title is Online Shaming.
- Try to construct a They say/I Say style paragraph about the TED talk.
- The first part of the paragraph should identify speaker, topic, and main points.
- The second part of the paragraph should explain your perspective on the topic.
- In Google Classroom, there is a document that will introduce our next text, The Crucible. You will begin this document today.
- Begin the assignment in Khan Academy about hyphens, dashes, and ellipses. You will probably need to watch at least part of the video.
Success Criteria:
Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?
Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review in on Monday.
- Do these things before you turn in your essay:
- Get the Crio Grammar checker addon and check your document.
- Make sure everything is double-spaced.
- Make sure all paragraphs are indented.
- Make sure it is done.
- Your essay is due today. If you don't turn it in, then you will have points taken off for it being late.
- Start your grammar assignment on Khan Academy. This is our first assignment, so I am not sure how long it will take.
Success Criteria:
- No vocabulary homework this week.
- Finish your book over the weekend.
Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?
Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on March 11th.
- Go to Google Classroom and click on the link in the announcement about Peergrade.
- You will receive feedback from your peers about your writing.
- Open your essay and make sure you remove your name.
- Submit your essay to Peergrade via Google Drive.
- You will read 3 other student's essays. All of your comments are anonymous.
- When 3 other students have read your essay, you will be able to read the comments.
- After reading your feedback:
- Finish writing your essay if you are not done.
- Make sure you use Grammarly to fix any errors in your document.
- Install the Read Aloud extension to hear your essay. Just listening to your essay can help spot a lot of errors.
- Turn in your essay if you are finished.
Success Criteria:
Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?
Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Our next book review is on March 11th.
- We will start with some feedback based on yesterday's writing.
- You will have 20 minutes to finish your final body paragraph.
- The general argument made by author X in her/his work, _______________, is that _______________. More specifically, X argues that _______________. She/he writes, “ _______________.” In this passage, X is suggesting that _______________. In my view, X is wrong/right, because _______________. More specifically, I believe that _______________. For example, ___________. (From here you can explain your examples. What changes are you going to make? Be specific.)
- You will also add your conclusion.
Success Criteria:
- No new vocabulary this week.
Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?
Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.
- We will start with some feedback based on yesterday's writing.
- You will have 20 minutes to finish your second body paragraph.
- The general argument made by author X in her/his work, _______________, is that _______________. More specifically, X argues that _______________. She/he writes, “ _______________.” In this passage, X is suggesting that _______________. In my view, X is wrong/right, because _______________. More specifically, I believe that _______________. For example, ___________. (From here you can explain your examples. What changes are you going to make? Be specific.)
- Find a partner to work with. Trade Chromebooks. Give them some feedback. What did they do well?
- Decide who has the best writing for today.
- Go to Click on Student Login at the top right. The room name is BHSENG11.
- Copy and paste the best body paragraph into the box. We will vote and who has the best writing overall.
- Tomorrow I will give you feedback on how everyone is doing.
Success Criteria: