Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on March 11th.

  1. Go to Google Classroom and click on the link in the announcement about Peergrade.
  2. You will receive feedback from your peers about your writing.
    1. Open your essay and make sure you remove your name.
    2. Submit your essay to Peergrade via Google Drive.
    3. You will read 3 other student's essays. All of your comments are anonymous.
    4. When 3 other students have read your essay, you will be able to read the comments.
  3. After reading your feedback:
    1. Finish writing your essay if you are not done.
    2. Make sure you use Grammarly to fix any errors in your document.
    3. Install the Read Aloud extension to hear your essay. Just listening to your essay can help spot a lot of errors.
  4. Turn in your essay if you are finished.
Success Criteria:

  1. No vocabulary this week.

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