Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Checking out books

Big Idea: How do we persuade others?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Today you will check out a book from the library.

  1. Today we will go to the library and check out books.
  2. Cyber Sandwich for Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.
    1. Choose a partner to work with.
    2. Make a copy of the Cyber Sandwich slides. Share the copy with your partner.
    3. Read the assigned section of the article and take your OWN notes.
    4. Combine your notes together in the Venn Diagram.
    5. Each of you should then write your own summary using your combined notes.
    6. Make a copy of your completed slides so that EACH of you turns in your own copy of the slides in GOOGLE CLASSROOM.

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