Monday, August 12, 2019

Textbook check out

Big Idea: How do the audience, purpose, and occasion affect the way we write?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Today you will read articles on Newsela for 10 minutes.

  1. Newsela reading assignment:
    1. You need to read at least five articles this week from five different topics.
    2. You need to pass the quiz for each article. Start on a higher difficulty of reading and then move down.
    3. Screenshot your screen when you pass a quiz and paste it onto the Google Doc in GOOGLE CLASSROOM.
    4. Write a one-sentence summary of the article. Your sentence must have exactly 15 words. I will check.
    5. This is due on Friday.
    6. If you finish before Friday, you may borrow one of the books from my bookshelf and read it for ten minutes.
    7. Use this class code if you don't see quizzes after the articles: HZNDZD
  2. Today we will go to the library and check out your textbooks for the year.
  3. English Journal #3: Audience
    1. This will be another Emoji Power Paragraph but with a different purpose. How would you write a story of the audience was a kid in elementary school.
  4. Rhetorical Situation: Audience, Purpose, and Occasion
    1. You will find the slides for this in Google Classroom.
  1. I forgot to send out a Remind message about the vocabulary homework, so I will check your first vocabulary tomorrow.

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