Friday, August 30, 2019

Vocabulary Jam

Big Idea: What do you already know?

Learning Target: Apply the concepts of ethos, pathos, and logos.

Reading: Silent Reading for 10 minutes. The book review will be on September 20th.

  1. English Journal #9: Emoji paragraph
  2. Choose your best story. Must have vocabulary words. Go to Socrative and submit the story you chose.
  3. Spend five minutes working on your vocabulary. Then we will play a vocabulary jam!
  4. Today you finish your poster that applies the concepts of ethos, pathos, logos.
    1. In the top three boxes, you must have:
      1. The words ethos, pathos, and logos
      2. A symbol for each concept
      3. A quote from the article we read
    2. In the bottom section, you must create a fundraiser poster that applies ethos, pathos, and logos.
      1. Choose fonts that communicate trust.
      2. Why should people give to your fundraiser?
      3. Well-drawn (or traced) pictures with color that create a good feeling about giving
      4. Name of the organization
      5. How can people donate? Can they follow you online?
      6. What will the money be used for?

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