Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bill of Rights in Current Events

Big Idea: What is the meaning of freedom?

Learning Target: Analyze news articles about civil rights today.

Reading: We will read for 10 minutes today. Your book review will be on September 20th.

  1. Find an article about the rights we have under the Constitution.
    1. Read the article and use the format paragraph below to write about its connection to civil rights.
    2. English Journal #14 Bill of Rights Current Events
    3. AUTHOR, in the article "TITLE" explains that...AUTHOR's LAST NAME supports his/her claim by EVIDENCE FROM THE ARTICLE. The author's purpose is to show...in order that the reader would...This article connects to the right to...in amendment...This article demonstrates we need this amendment because without it...
  2. Go to NoRedInk. Click on the Commas Practice #2. Make sure you complete this by tomorrow.
    1. Login with Google NOT Clever
    2. Enter the code  or click on the link for your class period
      1. Period 3 - dashing puppy 39
      2. Period 4 - unique seal 11
      3. Period 5 - elastic jam 67
  3. Did you start your new vocabulary list The Bill of Rights?
  4. Today I will introduce you to your narrative assignment about the Bill of Rights.

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