Thursday, September 19, 2019

Revising Our Rough Drafts

Big Idea: What is the meaning of freedom?

Learning Target: Analyze news articles about civil rights today.

Reading: We will read for 10 minutes today. Your book review will be on September 20th.

  1. Fill out the Reading Progress Form.
  2. English Journal #15 Dialogue practice
  3. Revising your narrative:
    1.  Separate your narrative into paragraphs. At least have three for beginning, middle, and end. To get a good grade you should have more than three.
    2. Use the built-in grammar tools and Grammarly to fix errors in your narrative.
    3. Add the Read Write Chrome extension. OR you can use the Read Aloud extension. Listen to your story and fix the errors you hear.
    4. Share your story with a partner. You partner should add questions where he or she wants more information. "Tell me more about..."
    5. Read your partner's suggestions. Add to your narrative. Turn in your narrative by the end of the day.
  4. Work on your vocabulary. You can have free time if you can show me that you have finished.

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