Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Crucible Act I

Big Idea: What is a witchhunt? What makes them dangerous?

Learning Target: Identify who is present in Act I

Reading: Your next book review will be due by the end of the third quarter. That gives you 28 days to read your book.

  1. Go to Studysync
    1. Create a student account if you don't have one already.
      1. PERIOD 3 group key: mvg422147
      2. PERIOD 4 group key: veu422148
      3. PERIOD 5 group key: csq422149
    2. Start The Crucible assignment. You should be able to finish it in class today.
      1. Make sure you listen to the audio.
      2. For the write section, you only need one paragraph.

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