Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Act II Fake Tweets

Big Idea: What is a witchhunt? What makes them dangerous?

Learning Target: Identify and analyze fear in Act II

Reading: Your next book review will be due by the end of the third quarter. That gives you 28 days to read your book.

  1. Read silently for 10 minutes.
  2. Fake tweets
    1. Use one of the websites below to make fake tweets from three different characters. The content of the tweets must be based on events in Act II and not earlier in the play.
      1. Fake tweet creator #1
      2. Fake tweet creator #2
      3. Fake tweet creator #3
    2. Copy and paste your tweets into a new English journal.
  3. Below your fake tweets, write the following paragraph:
      1. At this point in the play, I think that characters are predominantly afraid of...In this act,...[summarize what happens in a couple of sentences]. The [hysteria/tension] in the play begins to rise when X says,"USE A QUOTE FROM ACT II" (LINE NUMBER). In other words, X believes...One person who could calm things down would be...If this character would only...then...

  1. No vocabulary this week.

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