Monday, March 9, 2020

Reading Act II

Big Idea: What is a witchhunt? What makes them dangerous?

Learning Target: Identify the conflict between John and Elizabeth Proctor

Reading: Your next book review will be due by the end of the third quarter. That gives you 28 days to read your book.

  1. Read Act II- You will read w/a group of 3.
    1. Elizabeth Proctor 
    2. John Proctor 
    3. Mary Warren
    4. Read until Hale's line on the bottom of 610.
    5. Summarize what happened on each page.
  2. Listen to pages 610-617 (audio 22:28)
    1. Create a book snap about fear, rumors, or accusations. Underline a part of the text. Explain what is going on. Choose emojis that match your analysis.

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