Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Cancel Culture Day 5

Big Idea: Is Cancel Culture (or “Callout Culture”) Good for Society?

Learning Target: Paraphrase and quote evidence from a source. Make sure you use around five words to introduce a quote.

Reading: You will read your independent reading book for ten minutes.


  1. Cancel Culture Note Taking activities
    1. Today we will finish paraphrasing and quoting information.
      1. Today you will take notes on the remaining two sections for the side you agree with.
      2. You must have at least one quote in your notes for each section.
      3. At the bottom of your notes, write a five sentence paragraph that summarizes in your own words the best evidence for or against Cancel Culture.
    2. Take this practice quiz on semicolons and colons.
  2. Nuance Academy
    1. Word Journal O
    2. Write it Right C3 (8-4-8)

  1. Word Journal O

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