Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Cancel Culture Day 7

Big Idea: Is Cancel Culture (or “Callout Culture”) Good for Society?

Learning Target: Paraphrase and quote evidence from a source. Make sure you use around five words to introduce a quote.

Reading: You will read your independent reading book for ten minutes.


  1. Word Slam:  List 1 and List 2
  2. Cancel Culture Note Taking activities
    1. Open two documents before we begin writing
      1. Cancel Culture Pro #1
      2. Marc and Carly essay
    2. How to write a good body paragraph for this essay.
    3. Today you owe me one good body paragraph with all three premises.
  3. Nuance Academy
    1. Word Journal P
    2. Write it Right E3 (4-4-4), cross out the wrong way and then write it right

  1. Word Journal P

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