Friday, October 29, 2021

Propaganda Slides

Big Idea: What does tyranny look like?

Learning Target: Understand the background to Animal Farm

Reading: You will read your independent reading book for ten minutes. You should finish your next book by October 31st.


  1. Turn in vocabulary List A
  2. Create a Google Slides presentation with a partner about the different forms of propaganda.
    1. Each slide should have an image and three bullet points.
    2. Each partner should also answer one of the following questions:
      1. Why do people use propaganda? Can it be used for good purposes?
      2. What are the dangers of propaganda? Who uses it for evil purposes?
      3. Make sure your paragraph is at least five sentences long. Highlight the premise 1 in blue, the premise 2 evidence in yellow, and your conclusion in pink.
  3. Propaganda game
  4. Read chapter two of Animal Farm. You can also listen to the audio.

  1. Work on your List A vocabulary. It is due on Friday.

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