Thursday, December 2, 2021

Fortunately / Unfortunately Assignment

Big Idea: What does tyranny look like?

Learning Target: How do leaders manipulate others?

Reading: You will read your independent reading book for ten minutes. You should finish your next book by November 30th.


  1. Fill out the reading progress form.
  2. Work on slides for five minutes to remind you to finish by tomorrow.
  3. Fortunately-Unfortunately activity
    1. Four fortunately-unfortunately statements
      1. Fortunately for the pigs; unfortunately for the animals
      2. Or any good and bad events in the book.
    2. Four if only..., then... statements about something the other animals could have done.
  4. Four types of propaganda used by the pigs in the book.
    1. Name calling: Who is always the scapegoat?
    2. Glittering generalities: Always presenting the positive side of things
    3. Card stacking: only providing good statistics
  5. Have 5 symbols or pictures with color.

  1. Vocabulary list E is due on Friday.

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