Thursday, January 20, 2022

Discussing Pleasures of Eating

Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves.

Learning Target: How should we "eat responsibly"?

Reading: You will read your independent reading book for ten minutes. You should finish your next book by February 18th.


  1. Before you have a class discussion you must come prepared with your own Thoughts, Questions, and Epiphanies.
  2. Round One:
    1. Why does the Wendell Berry want us to be more active than passive about eating? What questions or thoughts did you have about paragraphs 1-7?
  3. Round Two:
    1. What role does advertising play in how and what we eat? what questions or thoughts did you have about paragraphs 8-11?
  4. Round Three:
    1. What advice does the author give that you connect with? What questions or thoughts did you have about paragraphs 12-16?
  5. In your English journal, you will add a second entry. Call this rhetorical precis.
  6. You will start your Adobe Spark video project. What are the denotations of the words and phrases the author uses in The Pleasures of Eating? 

Success Criteria:
I can identify what the author left for me to discover.


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