Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Writing body paragraphs

Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves.

Learning Target: How should we "eat responsibly"?

Reading: You will read your independent reading book for ten minutes. You should finish your next book by March 18th.


  1. Essay Topic: 
    1. In response to the many articles you read in this module, write an essay in which you argue how you can "eat more responsibly. In this essay, describe the changes you can make to your food habits. How can you be more aware of what you eat? In addition to references to one or more of the four articles, support your food plan with logical arguments and evidence.
  2. Create a Google Doc for the essay assignment in Google Classroom.
  3. Here are the introductions we wrote together. You can use them as a model for your essay.
    1. Eating responsibly when surrounded by enticing advertising for unhealthy snacks can be a great challenge. It is also very difficult to know where food comes from and it takes time to read labels to see what is in the food we eat. Although the effort it takes to be an active rather than passive consumer of food can seem burdensome, ultimately it is worth it for my health and my relationship to the environment. In order to eat more responsibly, I plan to…
    2. I plan to eat more responsibly by… No longer wanting to be a victim of my ignorance of what is in the food I eat, I think it is important to know where my food comes and what it contains. I can also learn to actually enjoy my food rather than merely “fueling up” with unhealthy snacks, cooking my own food rather than receiving what is processed for me. I want to reclaim my food freedom and be an active eater instead of a passive consumer.
  4. Write one or two body paragraphs. Remember a paragraph has three parts. Your longest part should be your evidence. Your final two sentences should connect your evidence to your first premise.
    1. Problem-solution pattern
      1. Many people are ignorant of what chemicals are added to their food to keep it fresh. Frequently, I eat food that tastes good, giving no thought to what is in it and not truly taking the time to enjoy it. If I make my own food, then I can avoid many of these harmful substances and take pleasure in eating something I prepared myself.
        1. Cookies- trans fats
        2. Amatriciana - enjoy it because I know all the ingredients
    2. Choice - benefit
      1. If I make my own food, I am more aware of what ingredients are being added. Also, if I prepare it myself I have to put effort into my meal, and human beings always find more pleasure in an activity that requires effort.
        1. Amatriciana- taste each ingredient
        2. Cookies - I can add real sugar instead of HFC or trans fats
  5. You will get a grade today for writing an introduction and at least one body paragraph.
Articles we read about food:

Success Criteria:

I can make connections between important ideas on the same topic.

  1. None

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