Monday, April 11, 2022

Abigail Behind the Scenes

Big Idea: How do you resist a "witch hunt"?

  • witch-hunt is a symptom of community panic
  • repressions of order greater than the danger
  • public confession and vengeance

Learning Target: Explain how different events are related

Reading: You will read your independent reading book for ten minutes. You should finish your next book by April 29th.


  1. Membean vocabulary
  2. Partner Activity
    1. Make a bubble map with your partner
    2. Paraphrase all of the actions Abigail is taking behind the scenes. You can find a list of all the quotes about Abigail here.
    3. Write a partner paragraph on the back. You should each write in a different color.
      1. In Act II, Abigail is working behind the scenes to target...First of all,...In the court she...Throughout the Act she...At the end of Act II she pretends...The one person who could potentially stop her is...But this person is unwilling to...because...Three words that describe Abigail at this point are...The best word to describe her is...because...

1. Read your new book.
2. Work on your Membean vocabulary goal for this week.

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