Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Watching Act IV

Big Idea: How do you resist a "witch hunt"?

  • witch-hunt is a symptom of community panic
  • repressions of order greater than the danger
  • public confession and vengeance

Learning Target: Explain how different events are related

Reading: You will read your independent reading book for ten minutes. You should finish your next book by April 29th.

  1. Play review game for The Crucible, Act III.
  2. The Crucible, Act III quiz in Google Classroom.
  3. Watch The Crucible, Act IV
  4. Play Act IV review game.
  5. Take Act IV quiz.
  6. Making Connections partner activity. Choose you work well with. You have to use all of the words listed below on your poster. This is the second time we have done this activity.
    1. Group words together.
    2. Make connections between different words.
    3. On the connecting lines, write down why you are making the connection.
    4. Have a central image and five other images
    5. Use color
      1. Tituba
      2. Sara Good
      3. Reverend Parris
      4. Betty Parris
      5. Mercy Lewis
      6. Susanna Walcott
      7. Abigail Williams
      8. Thomas Putnam
      9. Goody Putnam
      10. John Proctor
      11. Elizabeth Proctor
      12. Mary Warren
      13. Ruth Putnam
      14. Rebecca Nurse
      15. Reverend Hale
      16. Giles Corey
      17. Deputy Governor Danforth
      18. Confession
      19. Reputation
      20. Fear
      21. Intolerance
      22. Lies
      23. Forgiveness
      24. Witch
      25. Power
      26. Courage

  1. No vocabulary this week.
  2. Read your book at home.

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