Monday, August 22, 2022

Rhetorical Situation Day 6

Big Idea: What is a rhetorical situation

Learning Target: Identify the audience for a piece of writing

Reading: Read a Newsela article for 10 minutes

  1. Spell check and add grade level vocabulary
    1. Finish your counter-argument paragraph if you haven't already.
    2. You will also write a conclusion that argues why it is important for Ms. Hopkins to make the right decision and thank her for being generous enough to donate one of her paintings.
    3. I will walk you through the process of installing add-ons in Google Docs to check your spelling and grammar.
    4. You must use at least 7 words from the Answergarden image on Google Classroom. Highlight the ten words in GREEN. You can also use your own high level vocabulary for this step.

    5. If you want a B (85/100) on the essay
      1. Include an intro (3), body paragraph (8), counter-argument paragraph (6), conclusion (2), spell and grammar check, and highlight 7 vocabulary words in GREEN.
    6. You can find all of the slides by clicking here.

  1. None

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