Monday, September 20, 2021

Grading Your Cancel Culture Essay

Big Idea: Assessing Your Own Performance

Learning Target: Determine how well you wrote your cancel culture essay.

Reading: You will read your independent reading book for ten minutes. You need to finish your book by September 24th.


  1. Final Write it Right: Sentence Variety.

  2. Final Kahoot! Nuance Academy review
  3. Grade your own essay
    1. Color code the essay
    2. Did you remember to:
      1. Include a paraphrase, quote, and your own example in Premise 2 of each paragraph?
      2. Run a spelling and grammar check?
    3. If you did everything you were asked, that is a B-.
    4. Make sure you never quote whole sentences.
    5. The only way to score an A is if you have three body paragraphs.
  1. None! Enjoy the extra time this evening.

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