Tuesday, September 21, 2021

My College and Career Options

Big Idea: College and Career Options

Learning Target: Describe different types of colleges and schools.

Reading: You will read your independent reading book for ten minutes. You need to finish your book by September 24th.


  1. Fill out the reading progress form.
  2. Grade your own essay
    1. Color code the essay
    2. Did you remember to:
      1. Include a paraphrase, quote, and your own example in Premise 2 of each paragraph?
      2. Run a spelling and grammar check?
    3. If you did everything you were asked, that is a B-.
    4. Make sure you never quote whole sentences.
    5. The only way to score an A is if you have three body paragraphs.
    6. You must write a few sentences defending why I should give you the grade you think you deserve.
  3. College, Career, and School options
    1. Create a presentation using the information from the article in Google Classroom.
      1. Have a slide for each of the five sections.
      2. You should have text and images.
    2. Create a screencast of your presentation.
    3. Turn in the link to your screencast.
  1. None! Enjoy the extra time this evening.

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