Friday, March 4, 2022

Finishing up the rough draft

Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves.

Learning Target: How should we "eat responsibly"?

Reading: You will read your independent reading book for ten minutes. You should finish your next book by March 25th.


  1. Finish your rough draft. If you are finished, then use one of the grammar and spelling checking tools in Google Docs.
  2. I will hand out your STAR reading results.
  3. Food unit vocabulary game for extra credit.
Tools for writing body paragraphs:
  1. Each body paragraph must have one quote from one of the sources we have read..
    1. Expert’s (or publication’s) Name), a (credentials that suggest validity), (choose one: argues, presents, details, theorizes, refutes, challenges, exposes, (anything but “says,” “states,” or “claims”)) (flow “into the less than 13 words you intend on quoting” (Citation)); however, it must be admitted that (insert a point of concession in relation to the sources argument).
    2. Example: Wendell Berry, an American cultural critic, exposes that for the American consumer "food is pretty much an abstract idea" (Berry 4).
  2. Write one or two body paragraphs. Remember a paragraph has three parts. Your longest part should be your evidence. Your final two sentences should connect your evidence to your first premise.
    1. Problem-solution pattern
      1. Many people are ignorant of what chemicals are added to their food to keep it fresh. Frequently, I eat food that tastes good, giving no thought to what is in it and not truly taking the time to enjoy it. If I make my own food, then I can avoid many of these harmful substances and take pleasure in eating something I prepared myself.
        1. Cookies- trans fats
        2. Amatriciana - enjoy it because I know all the ingredients
    2. Choice - benefit
      1. If I make my own food, I am more aware of what ingredients are being added. Also, if I prepare it myself I have to put effort into my meal, and human beings always find more pleasure in an activity that requires effort.
        1. Amatriciana- taste each ingredient
        2. Cookies - I can add real sugar instead of HFC or trans fats.
Articles we read about food:

Success Criteria:

I can make connections between important ideas on the same topic.

  1. None

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