Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?
Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your first book review will be on February 8th.
- Start a new entry in your English Journal. Title it "When a Crop Becomes King." Use the rhetorical precis format to write a summary of the article.
- I will give you back your PSAT scores today.
- Introduce the one pager activity. Your must do the following:
- Collect important facts, words, phrases, sentences, and ideas from the reading. These should summarize the primary arguments of the text.
- You must have drawings that relate to the quotes you chose.
- You must have quotes from the article.
- You must have a personal response to the article.
- Include the Title and Author.
- It must fill the entire page, use color, and use ink for the written portion.
Success Criteria:
- I understand how an author builds an argument.
Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?
Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your first book review will be on February 8th.
- Today we will highlight and annotate the article When a Crop Becomes King by Michael Pollan. As you read, I want you to divide the article into sections.
- Have a discussion with another student in class about how you divided up the article. Try to give a name to each section.
- Finally, add questions to the right side of the article.
Success Criteria:
- I understand how an author builds an argument.
Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?
Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.
- Finish your concept map from yesterday. Make sure both names are on the map. If you finish early work on your vocabulary.
- POF003 in Google Classroom. Pleasures of Food concept map. You will start this with a partner. It is due tomorrow.
Success Criteria:
- I can connect terms and ideas from the article we read.
Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?
Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.
- POF003 in Google Classroom. Pleasures of Food concept map. You will start this with a partner. It is due tomorrow.
Success Criteria:
- I can connect terms and ideas from the article we read.
Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?
Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.
- Your vocabulary is due today. You have a new vocabulary assignment which will be due next Monday.
- In our English journal we will practice writing a sentence like the one Berry uses in his article:
- The passive American consumer, sitting down to a meal of pre-prepared or fast food, confronts a platter covered in inert, anonymous substances that have been processed, dyed, breaded, sauced, gravied, ground, pulped, strained, blended, prettified and sanitized beyond resemblance to any part of any creature that ever lived.
- In your English journal, you will add a second entry. Call this rhetorical precis.
- You will start your Adobe Spark video project.
Success Criteria:
Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?
Reading: Today we will read for less time than usual so we can have our class discussion.
- Yesterday we finished reading the Wendell Berry article and we made annotations on the left side. Today we will add questions on the right side of the article.
- Next will be our class discussion. First, you will be broken up into small groups. You will have a discussion with this group. Then you will submit your group's best Thoughts, Questions, or Epiphanies to this Padlet wall. We will discuss these TQEs as a whole class.
Success Criteria:
- I understand Wendell Berry's argument about how we should look at the food we eat.
- I can participate in a class discussion and add to other students' ideas.
Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?
Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your first book review will be on February 8th.
- Today I will introduce you to the TQE process. It is a helpful procedure for having thoughtful class discussions. You will be graded based on how much you talk.
- Before you have a class discussion you must come prepared with your own Thoughts, Questions, and Epiphanies. We will break the article into chunks. We will annotate the first part together. The article takes about 17 minutes to read.
- You will have a chance to discuss your findings with another student in the class.
Success Criteria:
- I can identify what the author left for me to discover.
Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?
Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your first book review is due on February 8th. Fill out the reading progress form so that I know what you are reading.
- Go to this blog: Make sure you bookmark it.
- Open Google Classroom and enter the code: vsk8gh
- Open the English Journal document located in Google Classroom.
- First, write down, to the best of your ability, what you eat on an average day from sun-up to the last thing you have to eat at night.
- Second, you will write about one of the following topics:
- To what extent do advertisers influence your choices regarding the amount of water, flavored drinks, processed foods, meat, fish, fresh fruits, vegetables, fast food, sugar, and the like that you feed your body?
- Consider what you know about the foods you eat, their origins and their quality. How much do you know about your food?
- Evaluate your own dietary habits, and discuss whether and in what ways you might change your diet.
- Think about the amount of time and the quality of the time you spend eating. Do you drive and eat? Do you stand or walk while eating? Discuss how often you sit with your friends and family and enjoy the food that you eat.
- Certainly, we all are responsible for what we put into our mouths, but at what point do we assume responsibility? At age five, ten, fourteen, eighteen, twenty-one? When (at what age) does a parent’s responsibility end and an individual’s begin?
- Fill out this Google Form. What are your food habits?
- Work on your first vocabulary assignment. It will be due on Monday.
Success Criteria:
- I can reflect on my food habits.
- I can have a discussion with other students in class.
Big Idea: What does food tell us about ourselves and how we treat our planet?
Reading: Today we will go to the library and check out independent reading books.
- First-day basic information slides.
- Write me a letter of understanding.
- What has your high school experience been like so far?
- What do I need to know about you? Likes, hobbies, music, what you like to watch, etc.
- We will go to the library and check independent reading books. Make sure to bring these each day.
Success Criteria:
- I introduced myself to Mr. Brubaker
- I checked out a book to read for the next four weeks.
- Start reading your book at home for 10 minutes.