Big Idea: What do you already know?
Learning Target: Apply the concepts of ethos, pathos, and logos.
Reading: Silent Reading for 10 minutes. The book review will be on September 20th.
- English Journal #9: Emoji paragraph
- Choose your best story. Must have vocabulary words. Go to Socrative and submit the story you chose.
- Spend five minutes working on your vocabulary. Then we will play a vocabulary jam!
- Today you finish your poster that applies the concepts of ethos, pathos, logos.
- In the top three boxes, you must have:
- The words ethos, pathos, and logos
- A symbol for each concept
- A quote from the article we read
- In the bottom section, you must create a fundraiser poster that applies ethos, pathos, and logos.
- Choose fonts that communicate trust.
- Why should people give to your fundraiser?
- Well-drawn (or traced) pictures with color that create a good feeling about giving
- Name of the organization
- How can people donate? Can they follow you online?
- What will the money be used for?
Big Idea: What do you already know?
Learning Target: Analyze ethos, pathos, logos for a website.
Reading: Silent Reading for 10 minutes.
- Today you will create a poster that applies the concepts of ethos, pathos, logos.
- In the top three boxes, you must have:
- The words ethos, pathos, and logos
- A symbol for each concept
- A quote from the article we read
- In the bottom section, you must create a fundraiser poster that applies ethos, pathos, and logos.
- Choose fonts that communicate trust.
- Why should people give to your fundraiser?
- Well-drawn (or traced) pictures with color that create a good feeling about giving
- Name of the organization
- How can people donate? Can they follow you online?
- What will the money be used for?
Big Idea: What do you already know?
Learning Target:
Reading: No reading today.
- You will take the beginning of the year Pearson assessment.
Big Idea: How do we persuade others?
Learning Target:
Reading: Today you will check out a book from the library.
- Today we will go to the library and check out books.
- Cyber Sandwich for Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.
- Choose a partner to work with.
- Make a copy of the Cyber Sandwich slides. Share the copy with your partner.
- Read the assigned section of the article and take your OWN notes.
- Combine your notes together in the Venn Diagram.
- Each of you should then write your own summary using your combined notes.
- Make a copy of your completed slides so that EACH of you turns in your own copy of the slides in GOOGLE CLASSROOM.
Big Idea: How do the audience, purpose, and occasion affect the way we write?
Learning Target:
Reading: Today you will read articles on Newsela for 10 minutes.
- We are going to study ways to persuade people.
- You will create a dialogue with a partner.
- One of you will be the parent. The other partner will be a teenager.
- You need to persuade the parent to do or get you something (i.e. driving lessons, your first car, etc.)
- Your conversation must present reasons, assure your parent that you are responsible, and appeal to his or her emotions.
- You will write a script like the one above.
- Finally, go to Flipgrid and film your conversation.
- If there is time left, I will let you finish any Newsela work you need to do or work on vocabulary.
- Newsela reading assignment:
- You need to read at least five articles this week from five different topics.
- You need to pass the quiz for each article. Start on a higher difficulty of reading and then move down.
- Screenshot your screen when you pass a quiz and paste it onto the Google Doc in GOOGLE CLASSROOM.
- Write a one-sentence summary of the article. Your sentence must have exactly 15 words. I will check.
- This is due on Friday.
- If you finish before Friday, you may borrow one of the books from my bookshelf and read it for ten minutes.
- Use this class code if you don't see quizzes after the articles: HZNDZD
Big Idea: How do the audience, purpose, and occasion affect the way we write?
Learning Target:
Reading: Today you will read articles on Newsela for 10 minutes.
- Rhetorical Situation: Letter to Wealthy Philanthropist
- I will give you 3-5 minutes to finish your letter.
- Go to GOOGLE CLASSROOM and click on the Peergrade link.
- Each of you will read another student’s letter as if you were Rachel Hopkins—that is, you should imagine yourself the person who has made the offer of donating a beloved painting.
- You will give feedback to three other students.
- We are going to study ways to persuade people.
- You will create a dialogue with a partner.
- One of you will be the parent. The other partner will be a teenager.
- You need to persuade the parent to do and get you something (i.e. driving lessons, your first car, etc.)
- Your conversation must present reasons, assure your parent that you are responsible, and appeal to his or her emotions.
- You will write a script like the one above.
- Finally, go to Flipgrid and film your conversation.
- Newsela reading assignment:
- You need to read at least five articles this week from five different topics.
- You need to pass the quiz for each article. Start on a higher difficulty of reading and then move down.
- Screenshot your screen when you pass a quiz and paste it onto the Google Doc in GOOGLE CLASSROOM.
- Write a one-sentence summary of the article. Your sentence must have exactly 15 words. I will check.
- This is due on Friday.
- If you finish before Friday, you may borrow one of the books from my bookshelf and read it for ten minutes.
- Use this class code if you don't see quizzes after the articles: HZNDZD
Big Idea: How do the audience, purpose, and occasion affect the way we write?
Learning Target:
Reading: Today you will read articles on Newsela for 10 minutes.
- I will grade your vocabulary homework today. Here is your new list of vocabulary words. It will be due next Monday.
- Newsela reading assignment:
- You need to read at least five articles this week from five different topics.
- You need to pass the quiz for each article. Start on a higher difficulty of reading and then move down.
- Screenshot your screen when you pass a quiz and paste it onto the Google Doc in GOOGLE CLASSROOM.
- Write a one-sentence summary of the article. Your sentence must have exactly 15 words. I will check.
- This is due on Friday.
- If you finish before Friday, you may borrow one of the books from my bookshelf and read it for ten minutes.
- Use this class code if you don't see quizzes after the articles: HZNDZD
- Rhetorical Situation: Audience, Purpose, and Occasion
- You will find the slides for this in Google Classroom. You will complete this with a partner.
- Today you will write your letter arguing for one of the paintings.
- Start a new English Journal: Business Letter
Big Idea: How do the audience, purpose, and occasion affect the way we write?
Learning Target:
Reading: Today you will read articles on Newsela for 10 minutes.
- I will grade your vocabulary homework today. Here is your new list of vocabulary words. It will be due next Monday.
- Newsela reading assignment:
- You need to read at least five articles this week from five different topics.
- You need to pass the quiz for each article. Start on a higher difficulty of reading and then move down.
- Screenshot your screen when you pass a quiz and paste it onto the Google Doc in GOOGLE CLASSROOM.
- Write a one-sentence summary of the article. Your sentence must have exactly 15 words. I will check.
- This is due on Friday.
- If you finish before Friday, you may borrow one of the books from my bookshelf and read it for ten minutes.
- Use this class code if you don't see quizzes after the articles: HZNDZD
- Rhetorical Situation: Audience, Purpose, and Occasion
- You will find the slides for this in Google Classroom. You will complete this with a partner.
Big Idea: How do the audience, purpose, and occasion affect the way we write?
Learning Target:
Reading: Today you will read articles on Newsela for 10 minutes.
- Newsela reading assignment:
- You need to read at least five articles this week from five different topics.
- You need to pass the quiz for each article. Start on a higher difficulty of reading and then move down.
- Screenshot your screen when you pass a quiz and paste it onto the Google Doc in GOOGLE CLASSROOM.
- Write a one-sentence summary of the article. Your sentence must have exactly 15 words. I will check.
- This is due on Friday.
- If you finish before Friday, you may borrow one of the books from my bookshelf and read it for ten minutes.
- Use this class code if you don't see quizzes after the articles: HZNDZD
- Today we will go to the library and check out your textbooks for the year.
- English Journal #3: Audience
- This will be another Emoji Power Paragraph but with a different purpose. How would you write a story of the audience was a kid in elementary school.
- Rhetorical Situation: Audience, Purpose, and Occasion
- You will find the slides for this in Google Classroom.
- I forgot to send out a Remind message about the vocabulary homework, so I will check your first vocabulary tomorrow.
Big Idea: What are we going to do in this class?
Learning Target:
Reading: Today you will read articles on Newsela for 10 minutes.
- Start your first vocabulary unit. Play a Vocabulary Jam! if we have time.
- English Journal #2: Letter of Understanding
- Tell me about your high school experience before this class. What were you like when you were a 9th grader? How did you change in 10th grade? Who were your English teachers?
- What do you want me to know about you? What are your likes and dislikes? What are you worried about? Tell me something about your family. Etc.
- Frayer a Friend 2x
- Make sure you get some highlighters. We will use them all year long.
Big Idea: What is this class going to be like?
- You will be assigned a seat and participate in an icebreaker.
- We will go over the expectations for this class.
- You will write an Emoji Power Paragraph in your first English Journal.